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Tag: webdev

Is SNI viable?

Traditionally if one was to secure a web server using TLS (or previously, SSL) – then one would configure your web server to use TCP port 443 to listen for TLS requests from clients (browsers). When a browser connects to the web server using the HTTPS protocol, the server would encrypt the communications and all would be well with the world. A problem occurs when you use name based Virtual Hosting on your web server.

Safari V3 Web Inspector

Chris blogged on PhatBoyG about the Web Inspector included in Safari 3. Previously this tool was a simple content inspector, but now it looks to be so much more. If you are using Safari V3 and you are a web developer, have a look at this useful tool. You can gain access to it by enabling the debug menu. Open Terminal and type this defaults write IncludeDebugMenu 1 then restart Safari.