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Vim Split tips

I use vim a lot of the time, mostly with splits and diffs, so the following key mappings and functions really helped me with managing the split windows. Maybe they will help you too. (Thanks to the Vim tips wiki for these). If you use vertical splits, this will help move left and right across the split. Put in your ~/.vimrc <br /> " Map multi window keys<br /> set wmw=0<br /> " CTRL-H move to left window<br /> nmap <c -h> </c><c -w>h</c><c -w><bar><br /> " CTRL-L move to right window<br /> nmap <c -l> </c><c -w>l</c><c -w><bar><br /> </bar></c></bar></c> When scrolling up and down a window, you can use zz to jump the current line to the middle of the window.