I’ve uploaded the initial public release, v1.2, of my simple Tweet plugin to the WordPress Plugin Repository. You can install the plugin by:
downloading it from http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/tweet/ ; or On a recent version of wordpress, v2.7 or above, follow these steps: Login to your wordpress dashboard Select the Plugins/Add New menu item as shown
Search for Author lantrix as shown
Click on the Install link for the Tweet plugin If you need any assistance, you can leave a comment over on the dedicated page for the Tweet WordPress plugin for Twitter.
Tag: twitter
Downloading MySQL and installing on Leopard is a breeze with the native package.
I migrated my database (dump/restore) and recreated my wordpress user, but still kept getting this error:
Error establishing a database connection The user could log into the database from the console as shown:
` lantrix@lexx:~ $ mysql -u wordpress -p Enter password: Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 19 Server version: 5.
Developed initally on WordPress 2.3, it has successfully been tested on WordPress 2.7.1.
Most of the other plugins out there either did this only in their “badge” or “widget” or where too full featured. This is a simple and quick plugin to get links in place to twitter people for the lazy blogger.
Visit my plugin page, give it a try and let me know what you think.
I’m a twitter user, and this morning came across an enterprising web-site called Melbourne Transport. They use the twitter handle @MelbTransport to publish line and train alerts for Melbourne’s Connex train services. This appears to be the outcome of someones frustration with the dreadful SMS alerts services that Connex provide.
Connex have their own SMS alert system, which states “From Monday to Friday, between 6am and 8pm, we provide instant text messaging to mobile phones with up-to-the-minute information on any train that is more than 15 minutes off schedule”.