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Tag: tech

iPhone 3GS announced

The new iPhone 3GS was announced yesterday at WWDC. The main changes are in the hardware. The differences are now: 32GB Option 3 Megapixel camera with autofocus Video Recording capabilities with upload to Youtube function Voice Control Compass The other new features coming to the iPhone such as: Cut, Copy & Paste (about time!) MMS and contact send/receive via SMS Bluetooth transfer and A2DP support Data tethering to your laptop (USB or Bluetooth) Spotlight Search Landscape keyboard across all apps Voice Memos will be available on the current iPhone 3G, the iPhone 2G and included oin the new 3GS.

Little Brother

I just started reading Cory Doctorow’s Little Brother using one of his ebooks he has relesed under the Creative Commons license. I have to admit that I had never heard of Cory of BoingBoing fame, or his books until I read about them via CelticBear. As a ‘paranoid’ geeked I’m hooked on Little Brother, and if you like tech, geek and drama you should check it out as well. Update: I went to buy a copy from a local bookstore, but it is not released in Australia yet.

Caffeine drives the Tech World

A number of weeks ago I gave up caffeine, and was pretty OK with that. But, I have come to the conclusion that there is a direct correlation with Caffeine and all other things tech, including tech blogging. As you may have noticed if you subscribed to my feed, or read this site, my posts have been minimal. Yet after having caffeine on the weekend in an energy drink, and subsequently picking up where I left of with decent illy coffee, I have had the urge to blog again.

Googles increasing Market Capitalisation

I am coming back to earth with my posts, and thinking about Google. They are growing by acquiring technology and companies. They release new products like the Java/Linux based Android (Is linking to google news about Google considered irony?!). How long before Google exceed Microsoft? I remember when their shares where $100. Then months ago I was discussing with friends that $600 was an amazing price to reach. Then weeks ago was amazed that each share had grown from $600 to $670.