I’ve been struggling to install the beast that is Clearcase 7.1.1 on a proof of concept server.
In this case the server is a Solaris 10 64bit install running on VMware Fusion 3.
One of the initial mistakes I made was to try and run the installation from a network mount. DON’T. Solaris must block the execution of code on some types of removable drives, which in this case was a VMWare Fusion shared folder.
Tag: solaris
If you use Unix, and need to migrate your Business objects CMS from one database to another database, you will probably use the cmsdbsetup.sh script. This script migrates and manages your database connection in a Unix environment using Business Objects Enterprise (BOE).
In my case I am Using Solaris 9, and have Oracle 10g databases and client files for use by BOE.
When running the cmsdbsetup.sh script you get the following error pertaining to clntsh:
A mega geeky awk one-liner today. Tested on Solaris under bash, so [YMMV][1].
Have you ever found that a filesystem is filling up fast, and dont know what is causing it? This one liner (which can be placed in a cron job if you like) is best run as a super user.
It will:
Search for all files in the current dir and subdirs that are modified in the last 3 days; list them, filtering just the filesize and name/path; sort/order by the largest file; and Email you a copy of the report.
I needed a quick way to send some files from the command line when logged into a Solaris server via ssh.
This assumes the server is already configured to deliver your smtp mail. I also used mailx for the sending client.
Here is how I did it, for your geeky reference.
First write your message:
cat << EOF > /tmp/mailmsg<br /> Hi this is a message<br /> And this is the second line<br /> EOF
I previously showed you how to use a shell script with Rational Clearcase, to alert you when a new branch type was created.
In this post, I will show you how to use a Perl script to enforce Clearcase labeling conventions. This example is directed toward Clearcase on UNIX (i.e. Solaris or similar) and assumes you have Perl installed, working and have a basic knowledge of how to program in Perl. It is a reworked version of the windows script supplied by IBM on Developerworks.
This is a long post, but a good one if you are a new clearcase admin who needs to enforce label names.
Do you use MQ? do you have performance problems when using persistence? An interesting article on understanding this on a Solaris platform. Koops has always been an informative source on getting my MQ performance under check, and again he comes to the front of the pack on analysis of performance issues.
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On linux and other [Unix like operating systems][1], you can untar a tar file with an absolute path to a different location. On Solaris using tar you can not. How do you get around this? [Perderabo on the Unix for Advanced and Expert Users forum][2] describes how. Here is an example (names and servers changed to protect the innocent):