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Tag: power

Storms and Power outages

We’ve had some stong winds in Melbourne yesterday. Up to 130 kph! These winds were good enough to cause a 24 hour extended power outage in my area, meaning my provider had upstream outages and the internet connection was down. Add that to the errant html comment in my last post which made the whole page commented out. All resolved now. Now what else do I have to debug that is technical?

Power issues – OpenBSD failover?

Having had aircon installed today, my headless web server did not recover from the scheduled power outage. It was stuck in a stupid “Press F1 to Boot” screen, and as such Tech Debug was down for the majority of the day. Now I have it all back online it is time to consider two things: A UPS A secondary Web/DB server running OpenBSD Does anyone know they best way to have a failover apache+mysql+postgres OpenBSD server?