I came across a useful bash alias. I don’t know where. I’ll call it dureport.
alias dureport='du -sdk * | awk '\''{printf "%12d\t%s\n", $1, substr($0,index($0,$2),80)}'\'' |sort -r'
Tag: bash
A mega geeky awk one-liner today. Tested on Solaris under bash, so [YMMV][1].
Have you ever found that a filesystem is filling up fast, and dont know what is causing it? This one liner (which can be placed in a cron job if you like) is best run as a super user.
It will:
Search for all files in the current dir and subdirs that are modified in the last 3 days; list them, filtering just the filesize and name/path; sort/order by the largest file; and Email you a copy of the report.