I’ve hit level 50 with my main character now. Whilst I want to get another 10 levels and start on the BC content, I have found the gold I make farming with this character, particularly on recipes, enables me to spec out my alts like never before.
So I started a hunter. I already have him up to level 12 and besides being a bit time consuming, its fun. Playing a hunter is like being in a 2 man group all the time.
If you want to install an MSI with no user intervention, and scripted, you can use msiexec. But what if you want to do a complete installation on the product, instead of a typical installation (which would be default)? Put this in your script:
<br /> msiexec /i yourpackage.msi /passive ADDLOCAL=ALL
ADDLOCAL=ALL is the key to a complete install. Enjoy your automated windows installation.
Of interest to most “Tech” people out there would be the chat between Steve Jobs (of Apple fame if you are from under a rock) and Bill Gates (of Microsoft fame if you are not in the know). This occurred at the All Things Digital conference, and is now available for your aural or visual pleasure on the iTunes Music Store in the form of an audio and video podcast.
I recently upgraded to a 22″ widescreen monitor. To drive this monitor in a Digital fashion, I jumped from a Geforce 3 series to a Geforce 7 Series with a Dual Link DVI connector. It turns out the monitor wasn’t dual link, but this review is on the card, not the monitor. The old 3D card was some major brand, I can’t remember which, and since I was upgrading an existing AGP card, I had to choose a replacement AGP card as well.
A friend recently said he had been steering clear of the iTunes Music Store because of the low bitrate. This is even though he uses an ipod, mac and iTunes. I personally have purchased over 300 tracks at the previous 128Kbps bitrate, and up to now, have been happy with the quality of these AAC song files.
Now apple have released a (so far limited) portion of their catalogue, being from EMI at 256Kbps, and DRM free to top it off.
I am developing a web-site for a business. A really simple web presence with some Content Management. I am yet to fully convince the Business Owner that a CMS will be so beneficial to customers, but I am already using Joomla for the site, so we have one in place. I used the DocMan extension for Mambo/Joomla to cover document content and access control for the published documents. After some initial headaches with that, I sorted the issues out (to be blogged some other time I suppose) and started looking around the net for free templates.
Evo Terra aptly describes what all information connected people have gone through. You know how it feels when you just can’t catch up on your podcasts, or RSS feeds? Evo is going through this right now and is about to get out his “CyberMachete”. I have even removed Slice of Scifi from my podcasts when information overloaded, but it always seems to return.
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I recently starting using Clearcase for versioning, at work. I come from a CVS background, so initially found it to be cumbersome. For example, here is how i added a file to the repository:
CVS method:
<br /> <a href="http://search.twitter.com/search?q=%23" class="tweet-hashtag">#</a> Change to your already checked out working folder<br /> cd /your/working/dir<br /> <a href="http://search.twitter.com/search?q=%23" class="tweet-hashtag">#</a> list folder contents, will see checked out working files<br /> ls -l<br /> <a href="http://search.