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Category: webdev

ADFS2 is not always SAML 2.0 standards compliant

Now the madness with ADFS2 SAML assertions via WS-Trust 1.3 – and how they are not valid for use with Amazon Web Services (AWS). lexx:saml$ aws sts assume-role-with-saml --role-arn $role --principal-arn $principal --saml-assertion $assertion<br /> A client error (InvalidIdentityToken) occurred when calling the AssumeRoleWithSAML operation: Responses must contain SubjectConfirmatonData with a Recipient and NotOnOrAfter This failed due to a missing Recipient attribute on the SubjectConfirmationData element. Of course; I can’t modify the assertion to add the missing Recipient; as the SAML token is signed:

Is SNI viable?

Traditionally if one was to secure a web server using TLS (or previously, SSL) – then one would configure your web server to use TCP port 443 to listen for TLS requests from clients (browsers). When a browser connects to the web server using the HTTPS protocol, the server would encrypt the communications and all would be well with the world. A problem occurs when you use name based Virtual Hosting on your web server.

PHP5 Zip Support on OpenBSD 4.5

This is a cheat sheet on getting PHP5 on OpenBSD to have zip support. I needed this to get CiviCRM to work with Joomla. First off install some require packages, including the zziplib package: <br /> export PKG_PATH=<br /> pkg_add -v zziplib<br /> pkg_add -v autoconf-2.62<br /> Now download and extract the PECL zip package: <br /> mkdir /usr/local/src/<br /> cd /usr/local/src/<br /> wget<br /> tar zxvf zip<br /> cd zip-1.

Tweet WordPress plugin v1.2 released

I’ve uploaded the initial public release, v1.2, of my simple Tweet plugin to the WordPress Plugin Repository. You can install the plugin by: downloading it from ; or On a recent version of wordpress, v2.7 or above, follow these steps: Login to your wordpress dashboard Select the Plugins/Add New menu item as shown Search for Author lantrix as shown Click on the Install link for the Tweet plugin If you need any assistance, you can leave a comment over on the dedicated page for the Tweet WordPress plugin for Twitter.

WordPress 2.7 RC1 on iPhone

Now that I am using wordpress 2.7, I thought it would be good to test the iPhone app for wordpress. This is written on the app itself. I would say that although useful it seems to be more favorable to blog from a computer. The iPhone is suited to short spurts of typing, more on the realms of SMS or twitter. The capability of quickly adding photos and the tag/category functionality seems full featured, as shown by a photo of my dinner I made from Cook with Jamie.

WordPress 2.7 RC1

I’m lagging so far behind on wordpress that I’m probably breaking all the security rules. So in an effort to be more proactive in online open-source communities I’m giving WordPress V2.7 Release Candidate 1 a whirl. Looking forward to the new Admin UI. Does anyone else ride the bleeding edge when it comes to tech blogging? Edit: The upgrade worked. 2.7 RC1 even worked with all my 2.3 plugins straight up!

MySQL on OpenBSD 4.3 using the Apache Chroot

I’m back with some more tech geek goodness for anyone who uses MySQL and OpenBSD. OpenBSD by default apache runs in a chroot jail, thereby making it more secure in case the www server is compromised. I have talked about this before. However if you use wordpress or some other web application that needs MySQL (and I’m talking where apache and MySQL reside on the same host), then the chroot jail will not allow your webapp access to the mysql socket file which is by default located in /var/run/mysql/

Server Migration complete

I’ve had an on/off outage for most of the past 4 days, so to avoid hassles I put the site into maintenance mode. I’ve actually had to decommission my 19″ server rack and the multiple servers I had for Tech Debug. There was a DNS server, kerberos, Database and web server. All the separate functions are now hosted on one OpenBSD VM that I’ve built recently. It’s running on the only remaining “non-laptop” left in my residence, which runs 24×7.

Twitter WordPress plugin – Autolink to Username

Developed initally on WordPress 2.3, it has successfully been tested on WordPress 2.7.1. Most of the other plugins out there either did this only in their “badge” or “widget” or where too full featured. This is a simple and quick plugin to get links in place to twitter people for the lazy blogger. Visit my plugin page, give it a try and let me know what you think.

Coral Content Distributed network

Have you ever had your website hit on a topic that people find conflicting? When the site gets viewed by the masses, you need to be prepared. If you have access to modify your web server .htaccess file then go and have a read of the Coral CDN Overview For those interested in the techie bits, here is my .htaccess for news site flood protection, and to allow CDN to serve up all my site images – thus offloading from my puny connection the bandwidth burden for images.