Do you use MQ? do you have performance problems when using persistence? An interesting article on understanding this on a Solaris platform. Koops has always been an informative source on getting my MQ performance under check, and again he comes to the front of the pack on analysis of performance issues.
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Category: MQ
The MQ command level is an integer used by MQ clients that identify what version the WebSphere MQ servers is running. This in conjunction with the Platform attribute allows a client know what commands the MQ server supports. Both are required attributes to determine usable commands.
You may be asked by someone what command level your system supports. In the case of MQ V6.0 on Solaris, the following is true:
Recently I posted about our Websphere MQ MQCONN 2195 errors, and how we needed to apply the minimal recommended Solaris Kernel tuning for Websphere MQ. Well, we applied the changes, rebooted and connection problems were gone. Our application was able to spawn multiple connections to MQ without the errors we were seeing before.
However, we were still getting climbing response times when doing load tests between a request message being sent and a reply message arriving back.
I was working on a recently built Solaris 9 server with a fresh copy of MQ installed.
During application testing, we were getting 2195 errors from our application when establishing more than 3 concurrent connects to MQ.
After a day of wasted de-bugging of our application, we put it down to the system, and it seems we may have been correct. There is an install chapter in the MQ V6.0 documentation that should NOT be overlooked.