Do you play World of Warcraft? Do you play on a Mac? Do you want to listen to music from the game on your iPod? Jean-François has the solution over at his blog.MPQ Extractor 1.0!
Update: Jean-François has suggested that it is easier to use MPQFS. I haven’t test this however.
Category: mac
I’m catching up on the world (I am a slow news reader). Earlier this month, one of the most useful applications I have used on my mac has stopped development. Virtue Desktops is a great app that gives you multiple workspaces ala CDE on Solaris. However it does it for your Mac. I have been using it since late last year, and whilst it was in Beta, it is fairly stable.
What a neat thing. Yet again another AWESOME use for quicksilver. The comma is a shortcut to add selected documents/files/objects to a stack, which you can then do with what you will.
Check this 60 second or so video out on The Merlin Show.
HOWTO: Quicksilver: The Comma Trick.
Windows users: you have NO IDEA what you are missing. PS: Enjoy Vista
CBS have posted a video with a closeup look at the new Apple iPhone. Worth watching if you like tech gadgets.
Its a pity that we have to wait till 2008 for it to get to Australia (Asia) but hopefully that wait is so we can get a 3G enabled phone.
Apple have released their Apple TV
My question, is why does Australia get CONSISTENTLY marked up prices from Apple? The Apple TV is USD$299, and AUD$449. At the current exchange rate of 1 USD to 1.28683 AUD this item costs AUD$385 when purchased in the US. That is over $60 more expensive for the pleasure of purchasing from Australia!
How do they justify this? The exchange rates do not fluctuate that much.
The Circle Six blog has some good info on wordpress theme design on a mac:
“Having spit out several WordPress custom sites in the last few days, I thought I’d detail my current workflow on my Macintosh OSX platform for posterity … A brief summary to begin with … This post will confine itself to the tools required to create a custom theme for WordPress without hacking the core code. However, all of the tools that are mentioned are powerful enough to handle such tasks and I don’t use any additional tools to do my core hacking.
Did I say I’m using Marsedit to post to this blog? Well now I did. I’m liking my mac on a whole new level.
For you mac addicts out there, the people at are giving away a Mac App free at Midnight PST each day. Thats 1900hrs EDST in AU. Get in quick while you can. I already got some great DVD burning software!