Setup Sublime Text for F# Development
After being asked to use Visual Studio 2015 for F#{.tweet-hashtag} Development, I decided it’s way more lightweight to to develop it on my Mac using Sublime Text 3.
Software you need installed:
- Install Mono on your Mac
- Of course Sublime Text 3
- And the best package manager for Sublime, Package Control.
Install (using package control) these packages with package control in Sublime Text:
- F# – Gives you syntax Highlighting
- F-Sharp – Autocomplete, tooltips, definitions, etc.
- SublimeREPL – A multi language REPL including F#
If you are used to Visual Studio for any F#{.tweet-hashtag} development; you can create some Sublime text keyboard shortcuts using your key bindings settings:
- Send selected code to REPL : CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER
The bindings I use are shown below:
You’ll want to configure Sublime 3 indentation settings to include these options to replace Tabs with spaces; as Sharp hates your tabs.
This setup also works on Sublime for Windows, but you need fsi.exe in your path and working with all dependencies (Windows SKD, .NET Framework etc.).