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Leopard, Apache2 and MySQL

Downloading MySQL and installing on Leopard is a breeze with the native package.

I migrated my database (dump/restore) and recreated my wordpress user, but still kept getting this error:

Error establishing a database connection

The user could log into the database from the console as shown:
` lantrix@lexx:~ $ mysql -u wordpress -p Enter password: Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 19 Server version: 5.1.34 MySQL Community Server (GPL)

So what is the problem?

Google provides an answer, with a log lived post from My Macinations providing the solution. It’s all to do with correcting your php.ini with the proper MySQL socket location.

Now, back to testing my new version of the Twitter Tags wordpress plugin. #hashtags{.tweet-hashtag} now work!