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Disco burning software updated

Disco is one of the smartest looking and basic (yet powerful) CD/DVD burning solutions for your Mac. Yesterday it was updated with a maintenance release to V1.0.3, which includes quite a number of fixes for crashing that may have occurred. It has been almost 1 year since the last update so this is welcomed.

Incidentally, the developer is offering this software for USD$19.95 (and there is a very good USD->AUD exchange rate) for a limited time.
Disco has the following features:

  • Disc spanning – if the total size of the files you’re burning is bigger than the disc, it tries to divide them amongst multiple discs
  • Discography – it catalogues all the discs you have burnt for quick searching
  • Multi-session
  • And a pledge to support Blu-ray as soon as it is available on Macs

I’m not affiliated, just a happy Disco user (Thanks Mac-Heist!)