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With my recent loss, I had thought about, and seen other people, decentralising data. Luckily I’ve already got an email and RSS feed backup in place.

As soon as my Laptop was out of order, I jumped onto my account and redirected email to Gmail. Gmail will keep my mail flow going for a week or two.

Next I went over to Google reader and reset all my feeds. Previously I had exported all my subscribed Newsfire RSS subscriptions to OPML format, and imported it into google reader. Thats blogs and news covered. Google is storing a lot of our data, so for now thats a good thing.

I’m lucky my iPod has all my music still, so tunes and pod casts are covered

The judicious use of means all my bookmarks are already online.

This online decentralisation of my data should hold me out till I get the laptop repaired. Looks like with minimal effort, I am able to function without the laptop as an IT worker bee. It just goes to show how web2.0 is no longer a buzz word, but standard practice. Data out there, in communities.

On the theme of iTunes recovery, I had purchased iPodRip to get my music to the laptop. It didn’t work as advertised for me – The iPod Recover feature imported the songs to some temp folder, but never put them into iTunes. 2 hours later I had finished manually importing my missing 257 songs from the iPod into the CCC backup drive. A waste of $20? I will wait till the support team get back to me before I conclude that.