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Clearcase Tips number 01

I found myself writing down example commands in clearcase (V6), so I thought I would share them. If you have ever needed to find files like you do in UNIX, but want to be clearcase specific, then these commands will give you a quick headstart on using the cleartool find command:

How do I list all files and file versions going into a specific build that is labelled?
Assume your label is TR1_PRE_RELEASE
<br /> cleartool find . -version 'lbtype (TR1_PRE_RELEASE)' -print<br />
How do I find the latest versions on branch xyz?
In this example, branch xyz is the tst branch
<br /> cleartool find . -version 'version (.../tst/LATEST)' -print<br />
How do I find the latest versions on xyz branch WITHOUT a specific label?
For this example the xyz branch is the main (default clearcase) branch, and the label is TR1_PRE_RELEASE
<br /> cleartool find . -version 'version (/main/LATEST) && ! lbtype(TR1_PRE_RELEASE)' -print<br />
How do I see what in the filesystem has changed from clearcase?
This example only works if you have set your view on the same machine where the file system to compare is.
<br /> cd /<clearcase mount path>/<br /> clearfsimport -preview -recurse /<your app dir>/* .|grep -v unchan |grep -v identi<br />
I hope that gives you incentive to go and read the clearcase find documentation and learn more for yourself by trying.