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Public Transport Woes

I have to say something about policing transport in Melbourne. I have had a number of occasions where I have called emergency services. Only once were they able to respond, and they let the crazy violent people back onto the train – the crazy people acted normal for the Police and resumed their craziness after they left. In the case of calling 000, it is difficult to advise the operator where you will be (which station, town, etc.) by the time Police will get to respond, hence I see a low level of response from them.

Any other policing on Melbourne trains is done by the internal security of Connex Melbourne. Their main focus appears to be revenue gain by ticketing as many people as they can. I have had them stand on a carriage watching the crazies in the next carriage, and do nothing. It was my action in initiating a 000 call that got something done about it, but as I said previously the Police were able to do little. I don’t blame the Police here, I think they do the best with what resources they have. It is the engagement of Connex and Police that is lacking.

Trains are dirty. Seats stained with whom knows what. Barrier jumping graffiti taggers get away (the ones I see and report). Why is it that I have to call 000 to report graffiti? I think an SMS/Text reporting number would help, so the train cops could respond.

The reason I care to blog about all this? The train driver was smoking on the train this morning. I had to move carriages, and will raise a complaint today. How do you police that? Had I been smoking (I don’t smoke, but hypothetically) then I would have the full extent of the transport law applied to me to prosecute or fine me. What happens to the driver? Nothing, Nil, Nada.

Ultimately, Melbourne transport is an undesirable necessity.