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I have been messing around with feedburner. It seems to offer a really good service for free, with some premium options if you choose to enable them. I have cut my feed over to it, as I get stats of who/when is subscribed. They also allow for funky embeded items (like the Digg and Email this links you see on each post).

Have you ever clicked on an XML/RSS feed in your browser and seen only xml code come up? They cater for that as well. If someone clicks on your syndication link via the (now standard) feed icon, just like this , AND they have no RSS viewer installed, nor a RSS capable browser, then they get a nice page explaining what syndication is, and how to subscribe. Good for my mum, and the less technical people in the world (hi mum!).

So using feedburner has been a good experience after all. All that there is left to do is redirect existing subscribers in apache to the new feed.